Happy Thanksgiving Week! I can’t believe the holidays are upon us! I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to being over the moon that we are once again in the season of hot chocolate, baby Jesus, twinkle lights and cheesy movies. But before I get lost in the wonders of this time of year with my sweet family, I wanted to take a moment and intentionally focus on all that I have to be grateful for. God continues to amaze me not only with the material blessings he’s bestowed on our family, but the grace & peace He continues to show me personally.
So here it is, a small glimpse into all I have to be grateful for.
I’m thankful for
my best friend, my husband, who is the greatest gift (besides salvation) that God has ever given me. He loves, serves and cherishes me like I’ve never experienced before . He pushes me to be the best version of myself, all while keeping me in check to never take life too seriously.
my boys. They make me laugh and smile everyday and are constantly reminding me to take in all the simple moments of life, because those are the ones that really matter. They unknowingly push me to be a better Christ-follower and human, and they give the best cuddles.
our extended family. I don’t ever take it for granted that Zach and I are so close with both our families and the incredible blessing that is,
friendship. For friends who love on us, pray for us, and who are raising babies with us,
warm blankets & cozy weather,
photos & videos that capture our memories and keep the magic of them alive,
for the ocean, because although it’s not my favorite to swim in, it is one of the most majestic displays of God’s magnitude & beauty,
for a holiday season when everyone’s face can be shared. This is our first Christmas in 3 years that we can all smile at the camera without a second thought, and for this mama who loves showing off her kiddos, that’s huge,
for travel, and the ability to experience new cultures, see new things, and step out of our comfort zone,
for anyone and everyone who follows and supports our family. We are so grateful you care, and feel honored to share our lives with you,
for the ability to worship and study God’s Word openly and without fear of persecution,
for lattes & cappuccinos, especially with cinnamon on top,
God’s grace & new mercies each morning- given to us by sending His son. I am beyond thankful that God wants a relationship with me & walks with me through everything this life brings,
& lastly, for twinkle lights, Christmas pajamas and cozy socks!
I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful, and that none of us lose sight of our gratitude in the hustle and bustle of this next month. May we do our best to slow down this Christmas season, and soak in each and every moment, thanking God along the way.
Cheers to the Holidays friends! May this be your best Christmas yet.
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