Happy Holidays!
Christmas time is officially upon us and I couldn’t be more excited about it. Our house started getting decorated WAY before Thanksgiving, but I didn’t finish the little details until last week. I know for some that’s way too early, but it’s my favorite time of year .
I thought it would be fun to welcome you into our home for the holidays to share some of our decor!

So like I said, we started decorating early and our tree was up mid-November! Ha. We usually do a real tree but because we will be in Oregon for Christmas, and the minute we come home we turn around to go to Israel for 10 days (literally we have less than 24 hours home) we opted to put our fake one up this year. We still took the boys to a tree farm and bought fresh garland for above our doorway into our dining room though.

One of my favorite pieces of decor I have is my grandfather’s nativity set. He had it when I was little and when he passed away my dad received it. We put it out every year, and just a few years ago my dad decided it was time for me to have it. It’s really special to now be putting it out in my own home. I even weirdly love that Joseph is missing a hand and the angel’s wing is cracked, haha. It feels extra loved and even more special because of its imperfections. We’ve tried glueing it back together but at this point Joseph just has a bandage of scotch tape!

Over the past few years I’ve kept our Christmas decor cozy and neutral and have really loved it that way. I do like to decorate most of the house, and we have trees in our room as well as the boys’ playroom. You can never have too many twinkle lights throughout the house!

I love the coziness this time of year brings, and fully plan to sit by the twinkle lights as much as possible! Wishing you the coziest December!
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