When you were fostering, did you get preference over a boy or girl?
You are able to select a gender if you feel it is the best decision for your family. We chose not to specify a gender and we just happened to get calls for boys both times.
What is the BEST part of being a parent?
Right now, my favorite part about being a parent is witness the tenderness in our boys. I love seeing their curiosity about life, but even more their curiosity about doing good. These moments are what remind me of the huge responsibility and honor parenting is, and makes me want to keep doing better for them.
How to stay positive always?
While I do try to stay positive overall, I can’t say I’m successful 100% of the time. But I think it’s a mindset you have to choose in life. You have to be intentional to stay positive and see the good, even in life’s hard moments.
What are some questions you ask yourself before you decide to buy clothes?
Before I purchase anything I ask myself two things- first, do I need this? Sometimes it’s fun to purchase a new item and there is nothing wrong with that, but I ask myself If I need to it to make sure my purchases are intentional. Secondly, I ask myself do I own anything like this? I’ll admit I own a few white tees, a few jeans- some things you just own more than one of. But if I have an item very similar that I don’t wear often, then I know I don’t need another just like it.
Have you thought about starting a Youtube channel yourself?
While I love being in Zach’s videos, I’ve never really had a desire to start my own channel. The blog really came from my desire to share more, and I feel more comfortable writing than I do on video for sharing my own content.
Any tips for self care? How and when do you step away to recharge?
I think self care is extremely important. I have a babysitter come to give me some time to myself, or if I need to use that time to be productive for Zach’s company or the blog, then Zach is great about giving me an hour or two on the weekend if he’s home. When I do step away I love to go to a coffee shop and just read or write, sometimes I get my nails done, and sometimes I clean because for me that is self care. ha! But in reality, to have the house in order allows me to be present with my family versus thinking about what needs to get done.
What app do you use to filter your photos?
I use the Nicole DiGI presets on most of my photos and any professional ones we have taken I don’t edit.
How old are you?
I just turned 29 in September.
Where’s your favorite place to have coffee out?
My go to is Starbucks because it’s the easiest! But there is a local place by us called Bakers & Baristas that has the yummiest honey lavender latte!
As a student, uncertainty of life gives me anxiety. Do you have any advice?
I totally remember that feeling! I remember having a moment at my parents’ house where I just cried because I had no idea what life would look like after graduation. They told me to focus on what’s right in front of me (classes, work etc), to be faithful in those things, and to continue to pray asking for guidance and peace in the unknown. Just remember that anxiety and worry doesn’t help your situation. It just adds stress. It’ll all work out. Take one day at a time, and enjoy this season that you will never get back.
Any tips for handling the emotional roller coaster of foster care?
Things that helped me when we were in the trenches were 1) being in God’s word and prayerful throughout my days, 2) having a community that I felt safe to share my feelings (the real and raw ones) , and 3) doing things for myself that brought joy. While we had our first little guy and we knew he’d go home after Christmas I think I decorated the week of Halloween because it just was something simple that brought me joy and those things are good for us!
What is your coffee machine ?
We have the Breville and love it!
What were the boys’ first foods?
Some of the boys’ first foods included avocados, potatoes, and steamed veggies!
Advice on Christian dating?
My advice for Christian dating is to simply obey how God laid it out for us. The biggest things I would encourage you in if you want to date according to God’s design is to date someone who shares your faith, and to set up physical boundaries and discuss how you guys’ will honor them.
How much time do you spend with your boys?
I stay at home with the boys full-time. I do work for Zach a little, and manage my blog so I have a babysitter come twice a week for a few hours so I can get stuff done and have some me time. I feel privileged to be able to stay home with our kids, but we are also entering a season where I’ll be working and traveling a little bit more with Zach. It can be easy to have mom- guilt or compare myself to other moms. I think the most important thing for all of us mamas to remember is that we have to do what’s best for us and our families, and we have to support each other in whatever that looks like.
Where are you from?
I grew up outside of Chicago in McHenry, Il!
How long did you and Zach date before you got married?
Zach and I dated for about 15 months before he proposed and then we were engaged for 6 months before getting married. You can find our story here; http://www.kingfamilyunscripted.com/about/
Coffee order?
10 month out of the year it’s an iced latte, and then the few days it’s cozy and gloomy here in California I get a cappuchino with cinnamon!
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