I decided a while ago that I want my kids and husband to know me as a joyful person. Overall, I'd say I'm a happy person, but I wanted to be genuinely joyful, even on hard days. I'm still working myself on these practices but they have really impacted my perspective on life and I hope they do the ...
why we get too attached.
“I could never do that, I’d get too attached.” This response is the most common response we hear when people find out we are foster parents. And although it comes from a place of sincerity, it’s a very hard comment to swallow. It either implies we DON’T get too attached, or that we are saints - both ...
Weekend away & why it’s a non-negotiable for us.
This weekend, Zach and I had the privilege of getting away, just the two of us for the first time since Liam was born. While we adore our boys, we knew it was time for us to have some uninterrupted space to focus on ourselves and our marriage. And so we escaped to Santa Barbara for a beachy getaway. ...
Recertification & our plan for future fostering
photo by jessica susana What is it? When you are a foster family, every year you are required to complete training hours (we are required to complete 12) , have an updated walk through of the house and update your family’s paperwork. In short, it is an annual check in to decide if you ...
Our Family’s Story – told by Zach
We are passionate about inspiring others to learn more about the foster care system, and the main way we know how to do that is by sharing our story. Zach produced a unique and special video telling our story and I'm excited to share it with you ...
Liam is One!
Our sweet happy baby has turned one! I still cannot believe how fast this past year has gone - it feels like just yesterday I was heading to the hospital with contractions anxious and excited to meet our little guy. a few hours old ONE year old! July 3rd, the night before his first ...